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#1 Reason Your Back Still Hurts (Exercises below)

Where it hurts isn’t always the cause…

When your back is in pain, it’s only natural to focus on treating that specific area. After all, that’s where it hurts. However, for many, this approach doesn’t always provide the relief they desperately seek, leaving them plagued by persistent back pain. If this sounds all too familiar, you’re not alone, and there’s a solution you may have been overlooking.

The key lies in understanding that your back pain may be interconnected with multiple factors:

  1. Weak/Tight Hips: Imbalances in the muscles around your hips can contribute to back pain by altering your posture and movement patterns.
  2. Poor Core Facilitation: When your core muscles aren’t engaged effectively during everyday tasks, it can lead to back strain and discomfort.
  3. Low Back Muscle Weakness: Weakness in the muscles of your lower back can reduce their ability to support your spine.
  4. Limited Ankle Dorsiflexion: Issues with ankle flexibility can affect your gait and posture, potentially leading to back pain.
  5. Fear Avoidance: Psychological factors like fear of pain can influence your movement and contribute to chronic back discomfort.

A comprehensive approach is necessary:

  • Full Movement Assessment: A thorough evaluation of your movement patterns and joint mobility can uncover any abnormalities contributing to your pain.
  • Orthopedic Assessment: Identifying musculoskeletal issues that may be contributing to your pain, such as joint dysfunction or alignment problems.
  • Neurological Assessment: Assessing nerve function to rule out any neurological causes of your back pain.
  • Proper Movement Correctives (Exercises): Engaging in exercises tailored to your specific needs can correct imbalances and strengthen weak areas.
  • Functional Dry Needling: This technique can release trigger points and improve muscle function in the affected areas.
  • Pain Neuroscience Education: Understanding the science behind pain can help you manage and overcome your pain more effectively.
  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques, such as massage or joint mobilization, can provide relief and improve mobility.

By incorporating these assessments and interventions into your care plan, you can address the root causes of your back pain and work towards lasting relief. Remember, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals or specialists who can provide a personalized approach to your pain management.

Try these 3 exercises to get started:

  1. Half Kneeling Glute Activation: A lower body exercise that strengthens your glutes and improves hip stability. Performed while kneeling on one knee, it targets your backside muscles to enhance balance and posture.
  2. Lumbar Extensions (Don’t Hyperextend): A controlled back exercise that focuses on extending your lower back without over-arching. It helps to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of lower back strain while maintaining proper form.
  3. Hip Hinge: A fundamental movement pattern that teaches you to bend at your hips while keeping your spine neutral. This exercise is essential for various activities and can help prevent lower back issues.

Are you ready to take your next step?

Schedule a free pain assessment with one of our doctors and start your journey towards pain-free movement.

Tyler Waterway

Author Tyler Waterway

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