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Plantar Fasciitis Relief

Do you say this every time you walk? Then this blog is for you.

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Foot pain, often associated with plantar fasciitis, is a common concern stemming from various underlying causes. In this blog, we aim to demystify foot pain and stress the importance of addressing the root cause rather than merely alleviating symptoms. Our approach centers on a personalized assessment, recognizing that foot pain often signals broader issues. Additionally, we’ll explore the complex anatomy and introduce two effective solutions.

Defining Plantar Fasciitis:

Plantar fasciitis, often used as a catch-all term for foot pain, specifically refers to inflammation of the plantar fascia—a tissue band linking the heel bone to the toes. While this condition is a valid source of foot discomfort, it’s crucial to understand that foot pain can have various origins.

KinetaCare’s Approach:

In our clinic, we prioritize a personalized approach, acknowledging the uniqueness of each client. Instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all solution, we conduct a comprehensive assessment, examining movement patterns from head to toe. This holistic perspective explains why individuals who have sought relief elsewhere find success with our approach. We don’t offer a novel solution–we treat you as a whole person, recognizing that foot pain may be a symptom of a broader issue.

The Anatomy:

To comprehend foot pain, consider the interconnectedness of the body’s anatomy. Beginning with the low back, which houses nerves supplying the lower leg and feet, it’s essential to understand the neural network transmitting pain signals to the brain. Furthermore, moving to the hips, their strength and mobility significantly impact the workload on the feet. Strong knees are crucial for shock absorption and facilitating smooth foot movement. Importantly, foot pain isn’t isolated–it often reflects imbalances or weaknesses in other areas of the body.

Common Pain Producers:

Beyond plantar fasciitis, several contributors to foot pain are prevalent…

  1. Weakness in your foot muscles: A tight muscle is a WEAK muscle that results in pain.
  2. Improper Footwear: Ill-fitting shoes or those lacking support can contribute to foot discomfort.
  3. Postural Issues: Poor posture affects weight distribution on your feet, leading to pain over time.
  4. Overuse or Repetitive Stress: Engaging in activities that stress the feet without adequate rest can result in pain.

Start Here: an Effective (simple) Solution:

1.Foam Rolling for Calves: Regularly foam rolling your calves helps alleviate muscle tightness and improve flexibility. This self-myofascial release technique reduces tension and promotes better overall foot function.

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2.Calf Raises: Strengthening the calf muscles through raises is a simple yet effective exercise, targeting the muscles supporting the foot and ankle. This, in turn, promotes stability and reduces the risk of strain. *do this without shoes on*

Calf Raises on Step Exercise Demonstration | Step workout, Exercise, Bodyweight workout

Still having pain after trying these exercises? Call your local physiotherapist for a free consultation.

Orthopaedic Manual Therapy for chronic pain rehab Hudsonville, Michigan

Understanding foot pain extends beyond plantar fasciitis. By incorporating solutions like foam rolling for calves and calf raises, you actively contribute to resolving foot pain. Remember, treating the cause leads to lasting relief, and our individualized assessment aims to address your unique needs for a pain-free future.

Tyler Waterway

Author Tyler Waterway

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